Saturday 2 December 2017

Village Hall Management Committee - volunteers required

More information

Village Hall Management Committee
When I last enquired about current issues on 27 Nov 2017, I was advised of the following:
  • Clodagh West has been temporarily managing the bookings for the village hall following the resignation of the Bookings Clerk
  • There are plans to trial an automated booking system
  • The accounts for the period ended 30 Sep 2017 are currently being audited and will be made available at the AGM in Jan 2018
When I last checked, the Parish Council were looking to apply for charitable status for the new village hall.

Parish Council Minutes dated 13 Jun 2017
Item 38: Village Hall Management Committee - application for charitable status

"The Parish Council considered the report which had been circulated previously. It was proposed by Cllr Kaye, seconded by Cllr Williams and it was resolved that the Parish Council apply for Charitable Status for the new Village Hall Management Committee."

It seems there is an intention to progress down this route, so I have provided some helpful background reading for those who might be interested in volunteering:

Village Halls and Charity Status

Title: Village Halls: answers to some common questions
Source: Charity Commission [Managing your charity]
Published: 1 Dec 2010
New format: February 2017

"Who runs the village hall?
The village hall is usually run by a committee of management - being a committee member means that you are a charity trustee. The committee manages the hall and determines who uses it. The management committee often includes representatives from organisations that use the hall as well as members elected at the Annual General Meeting."

Title: The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do

"Para 1: There are specific obligations that apply to charity trustees. Trustees have independent control over, and legal responsibility for, a charity’s management and administration. They play a very important role, almost always unpaid, in a sector that contributes significantly to the character and wellbeing of the country.

Trusteeship can be rewarding for many reasons - from a sense of making a difference to the charitable cause, to new experiences and relationships. It’s also likely to be demanding of your time, skills, knowledge and abilities."

"Para 10: It’s extremely rare, but not impossible, for charity trustees to be held personally liable:
  • to their charity, for a financial loss caused by them acting improperly
  • to a third party that has a legal claim against the charity that the charity can’t meet
Understanding potential liabilities will help you to protect yourself and your charity by taking action to reduce the risk. This includes complying with duties covered in this guidance. It also includes deciding whether your charity should become incorporated."

Title: Village Halls and Community Centres
Source: Charity Commission
Published: Dec 2004

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